Шестью шесть -
Тридцать шесть, Разделить на восемь,
Два в остатке,
Три в уме,
Единицу сносим;
Шесть прибавить,
Семь отнять,
Что же получаем?
Пятью пять -
Двадцать пять
И ватрушку с чаем!
Король, живший в одной восточной стране, и впрямь был умный малый. Когда случались большие или маленькие неприятности, он не забывал успокоиться и затормозить реакцию, применяя такую технику - шептал себе под нос считалку. И это действительно помогает. "И когда какао стыло, и глаза щипало мыло, или брызгали чернила в иностранного посла. И когда король в субботу не поехал на охоту, потому что королева ружья в чистку отнесла..." Во всех этих случаях мудрый правитель не велел казнить, а считал про себя и успокаивался. Когда сын был маленьким, мы выучили это стихотворение наизусть, просто без конца перечитывая его. И считалка стала сама всплывать в трудных и огорчающих ситуациях. Дойдя до ватрушек, просто невозможно не начать улыбаться. Алан Милн сочинил не просто детский стишок, а дал нам палочку-выручалочку, способную помочь мамам и папам справиться с детским огорчением или вспышкой гнева. Любому ребенку будет приятно узнать, что он не один такой
самый несчастный в мире малыш. Что даже короли огорчаются! Но есть способ всё поправить.
В оригинале король - император Перу.
The King of Peru
(Who was Emperor too)
Had a sort of a rhyme
Which was useful to know,
If he felt very shy
When a stranger came by,
Or they asked him the time
When his watch didn’t go;
or supposing he fell
(By mistake) down the well,
Or he tumbled when skating
And sat on his hat,
Or perhaps wasn’t told,
Till his porridge was cold,
That his breakfast was waiting –
Or something like that;
Oh, whenever the Emperor
got into a temper, or
Felt himself sulky or sad,
He would murmur and murmur,
Until he felt firmer,
This curious rhyme which he had:
Eight eights are sixty-four;
Multiply by seven.
When it’s done,
Carry one,
And take away Eleven.
Nine nines are eighty-one;
Multiply by three.
If it’s more,
Carry four,
And then it’s time for tea.”
So whenever the Queen
Took his armour to clean,
And didn’t remember
To use any starch;
Or his birthday (in May)
Was a Horrible day,
Being wet as November
And windy as March;
Or, if sitting in state
With the Wise and the Great
He happened to hiccup
While signing his name,
Or The Queen gave a cough,
When his crown tumbled off
As he bent down to pick up
A pen for the same;
Oh, whenever the Emperor
Got into a temper, or
Felt himself awkward or shy,
He would whisper and whisper,
Until he felt crisper,
This odd little rhyme to the sky.
“Eight eights are sixty-four;
Multiply by seven.
When it’s done,
Carry one,
And take away Eleven.
Nine nines are eighty-one;
Multiply by three.
If it’s more,
Carry four,
And then it’s time for tea.”
Из сборника "Королевская считалка", также есть в "А теперь нам шесть" (Лабиринт, Озон)
самый несчастный в мире малыш. Что даже короли огорчаются! Но есть способ всё поправить.
В оригинале король - император Перу.
The King of Peru
(Who was Emperor too)
Had a sort of a rhyme
Which was useful to know,
If he felt very shy
When a stranger came by,
Or they asked him the time
When his watch didn’t go;
or supposing he fell
(By mistake) down the well,
Or he tumbled when skating
And sat on his hat,
Or perhaps wasn’t told,
Till his porridge was cold,
That his breakfast was waiting –
Or something like that;
Oh, whenever the Emperor
got into a temper, or
Felt himself sulky or sad,
He would murmur and murmur,
Until he felt firmer,
This curious rhyme which he had:
Eight eights are sixty-four;
Multiply by seven.
When it’s done,
Carry one,
And take away Eleven.
Nine nines are eighty-one;
Multiply by three.
If it’s more,
Carry four,
And then it’s time for tea.”
So whenever the Queen
Took his armour to clean,
And didn’t remember
To use any starch;
Or his birthday (in May)
Was a Horrible day,
Being wet as November
And windy as March;
Or, if sitting in state
With the Wise and the Great
He happened to hiccup
While signing his name,
Or The Queen gave a cough,
When his crown tumbled off
As he bent down to pick up
A pen for the same;
Oh, whenever the Emperor
Got into a temper, or
Felt himself awkward or shy,
He would whisper and whisper,
Until he felt crisper,
This odd little rhyme to the sky.
“Eight eights are sixty-four;
Multiply by seven.
When it’s done,
Carry one,
And take away Eleven.
Nine nines are eighty-one;
Multiply by three.
If it’s more,
Carry four,
And then it’s time for tea.”
Из сборника "Королевская считалка", также есть в "А теперь нам шесть" (Лабиринт, Озон)
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